Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17: 8

Friday, September 11, 2015

Pattern For Living

Have you ever entered into a situation and realized it just didn't seem right? It doesn't matter what the situation is... a relationship, a job, a project, your health - fill in the __________. That moment when you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that hmm... I'm not sure if this feels right. 

I recently began a sewing project to make a reversible purse. I saw a cute pattern on Pinterest and thought to myself "this looks easy, I could do this". Little did I know how God would use this little project of mine to speak words that were oh so true to my ears. I love these moments with God when He overwhelms me with truth in the midst of my struggle. 

I said I recently began this project, well it was about a month and 1/2 ago. I thought I could "make due" with the sewing machine we got our youngest daughter for Christmas to sew this purse together. My oldest daughter had taken my sewing machine to college with her to work on a quilt project and my thoughts were "I'll make due, I can do this". Well I should have heard my own words "make due" but my persistent self won out and I just wanted to get this project done so I started in. # 1 I find sewing peaceful and this little machine I was working on is so loud, okay if I hadn't stopped and listened to my "make due" statements I should have stopped and turned off the machine when the loud sounds of it operating brought me anything but peace. 

  1. 1.
    a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance.
    synonyms:signal, sign, indication, prompt, reminder

Did I pay attention to the cue's? NO - I thought I knew best. I should have paid attention to the cue of "make due" and "this is not bringing me peace". 

After sewing the majority of the purse together I realized that I hadn't followed the instructions (there is a part where you have to put the right side of the project inside the wrong side out of the project to sew the two parts together) Honestly, I thought this can't be right and this isn't what this means. I couldn't see how sewing it together this way could possibly turn out right. So I sewed it together the way I thought was correct. Guess who was wrong and was stuck pulling the stitching out? Another cue - Just because I couldn't see it, didn't mean the instructions were wrong. 

By this time in my project I stopped and blamed all of this going on wrong, on the fact that I didn't have my sewing machine. So I stopped and put the project to the side not dealing with it until I was able to get my machine back from my daughter. 

Underlying in all this God has shown me, my pattern of thinking. And because I think this way I live this way. It's been my pattern of living. 

Last night I had the opportunity to sit down with my sewing machine and pick the project back up. Things were going well I restitched over my original stitching to make sure it was good and secure. I followed the pattern putting the parts together in what I thought was the wrong way but it was right. Since this is a reversible purse there was a point in time when I had to struggle to get the entire purse pulled through one of the straps, but I did it and all was going well. 

I checked the instructions again when it came to the point of sewing the straps together. The instructions came with pictures and by the looks of things I couldn't tell well what was being explained. I didn't get a second set of eyes on things nor did I stop and evaluate how this was going to come together and work the way it was supposed to. I picked up my old pattern of thinking and started stitching. My project was finished and it was stitched together wrong. The funny part is God knew how to speak to me. 

The part I stitched together wrong were the handles. I thought I had a handle on it, on things, on life. 

For me to to be free, He has to have a handle on things, on me & my life. My pattern of thinking & living needs to reflect His pattern of thinking that I can find in His Word. My pattern of living needs to reflect His pattern of living that I can find when I look at how Christ lived while here on this earth. 

This is my view today as I sit and pause. 

I sit and pause because I've done all I can do to re-do this project. I didn't plan on things going awry and I don't have enough material for the inside of the new purse. Another way I see God at work, I need to be filled with Him and not full of myself. 

He brings a smile to my face and a laugh in my heart for the words on my cup today. 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you" Good morning, this is God! I will be handling all your problems today. I will not need your help - GOD

Working this project for the second time has allowed me to see things from the designer's point of view and so far I've not struggled and have the vision of how to properly put it together. 

I'm looking forward to a cute purse and I'm very thankful for an awesome story of my Designer's pattern for my living. 

I'm looking forward to taking my cue's from Him!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


If you've ever done any traveling you know what it's like to push, pull or carry your luggage. I recently returned from a convention for my business and made a decision that this time around I was going to pack smart and not in my typical style of "I'll pack this just in case". 

Yes, I am guilty of being that kind of packer - that is in my past. 

It was nice this time around, I had my purse and a carry-on. I only had to keep track of two things and I didn't even have to check my luggage for my flights. This really made it easy to get around and on and off my flights. I didn't worry about anything getting lost or not making it to my destination. 

I couldn't help but think of all the things in life we carry around as baggage. Sometimes to the point of exhaustion. 

The airport directs you to just the right place to claim your baggage or so you hope. 

What would our lives look like if we only claimed our baggage? What if we took responsibilities for our part in what we are carrying around and then let it go and walk away? The only place where we can find rest is when we lay those burdens down at the feet of Christ. He's already carried them to the cross and bore our pain, so why not lay it down and experience freedom that only He can give?

Freedom isn't that a great word? I feel better just saying the word F-R-E-E-D-O-M

Don't waste a minute longer. Won't you join me on the path to freedom?

Friday, May 22, 2015


What does it mean to you to live in freedom?

I can't help but think of all the masks we wear. 

Maybe a family mask, spouse mask, parent mask, job mask, social mask, you name it we find ourselves behind one. 

There can be so much bondage that comes with the weight of wearing a mask 

What would our lives look like if we took the mask off and began living an authentic life?  

What fear is keep you from taking off the mask?

You have a choice today.